About me
I was born in Portugal with roots in Africa and Europe, and it was in Lisbon that I graduated as a clinical psychologist at ISPA - Instituto Universitário. For more than a decade I have had the enriching experience of outpatient and stationary clinical care, in public and private settings, and with different age groups.
My migratory journey, and that of my past family generations, enriches the ability to listen, support and integrate those who do not feel "at home", or those who wish to leave "home". Assisting their self-discovery process and emotional growth is a privilege, for which I thank those who decide to place their trust in me.
Master in Clinical Psychology
ISPA - University Institute, Lisbon (2011)
Advanced Specialization in Psychotherapy
APTCCI - Portuguese Association of Behavioural, Cognitive and Integrative Therapies, Lisbon (ongoing)
Continuous clinical supervision
Föderation der Schweizer Psychologinnen und Psychologen (FSP)
Verband der Innerschweizer Psychologinnen und Psychologen (vipp)
Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses (OPP)